Over the years, the data heroes at max.recall have gained more than 150 years of experience in solving data analytics and data management challenges. We use these experiences and insights to individually accompany and advise our clients.


Over the years, the data heroes at max.recall have gained more than 150 years of experience in solving data analytics and data management challenges. We use these experiences and insights to individually accompany and advise our clients.

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Spotlight Projects

Spotlight Projects

“Conquering Data in Austria”

The study “Conquering Data in Austria”, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) provides a technology roadmap for the area “Intelligent Data Analytics”. It provides recommendations for the short-, medium- and long-term (2025) focus of the FFG funding program “ICT of the Future: Conquering Data – Intelligent Systems”.


This technology roadmap investigates and unifies the different perspectives of Austrian stakeholders from academia, research, industry, and government on the area of Intelligent Data Analytics. As a result, the requirements for new ICT in this area were presented.


In the course of this study, a comprehensive landscape of Austrian competencies in Intelligent Data Analyticswas compiled, covering research institutes, universities, universities of applied sciences as well as commercial service providers. Austrian strengths are in statistics, algorithmic efficiency, machine learning, computer vision and Semantic Web. As a result of our analysis, we made nine recommendations that address three main aspects: technology, coordination and human resources.

Link to study >>

Research data infrastructure for environmental research in Austria

In this project for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, we conducted a study on research data infrastructure for stakeholders from earth sciences. Its aim was to elicit and to firm up the requirements of the Austrian environmental research community for a future interdisciplinary research data infrastructure.


The project focused on the development of solutions that address the provision, availability as well as usability and usage of research data.


Furthermore, an evaluation of the feasibility of a research data infrastructure was carried out.

We use our experience to support you with your data challenges.


We are data heroes! We enjoy solving complex, data-related challenges.

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A-1150 Vienna